Issue 83, Late Winter 2018, has been delivered to subscribers. You can back order the issue.
2. Chuck Welch
Mea Culpa
3. Catherine Lavallée-Welch
Mapping the Adventures
Map fun with the original Internet
Fans of Bronze
6. Craig Rogers
Se-Pah-Poo: One of the Best?!
Will you be convinced?
12. Chuck Welch
Mystery of the Bronze Bombers
Introducing the greatest MLB team ever
20. Dafyyd Neal Dyar
The Outlaw Doc Savage
Did you think Doc legally owned that gold?
28. Julián Puga
The Sun Spot Menace
Using the Sun to fix the “date” of a novel
Dafydd Neal Dyar
32. Why Doc Savage Flipped His Lid
35. Skullcap Skulduggery
In this pair of articles, Dyar takes a
close look at Doc’s head
38. Julián Puga
Alias Baron Karl
Tracking down a weapons buyer
Also Contributing…
Tim Faurote – “Doc Bust” pg 24
Terry Allen – “Marketplace” pg 46